Soalan spot PMR 2008

September 23, 2008

be sure to check out ‘soalan spot/bocor’ page..

and share ur spot questions too!!

20 Responses to “Soalan spot PMR 2008”

  1. candy Says:

    can anyone tell me any of the spot ques of PMR 2008? esp for BM.
    i love u all!

  2. pateN Says:

    Btul ke soalan spot, mana soalan spotnye… tak ada pown…klu nk bg, bg le elok2….

  3. 3krk1 smkdmpr2 Says:

    i said ‘ check out ‘soalan spot?bocor’ PAGE!!
    not here…what can’t u read properly??

  4. don Says:

    cakap soalan spot tengok tengok soalan 2006. bagilah elok2

  5. 3krk1 smkdmpr2 Says:

    don…about ur comment…
    my reply would be….


  6. lollipop. Says:

    hey…here is more.
    hope it helps???

    any chance on spotting question for novels??

  7. nazhim Says:

    pmr this year quite TOUGH!!!!i have the soalan2 pmr 2008…but i have already promise to my teacher to not give u that question…to say guys….VERY TOUGH so, be alert!!!

  8. ary Says:

    tolomla bg soalan bocor or spot ke kat aku ek….
    brsama memajukan prestasi pmr tahun nie….
    biar sume kwn2 dpt brjaya…..
    amin…..gud lak 4 all!!!
    do da bez…

  9. nurul syakina Says:

    sy nurul syakina dri sabah…sy amt perlukan bantuan anda semua tentang soalan pmr sebab saya akan menghadapi peperikasaan pmr pd thn hdpn…

    tunjuk ajar anda semua, amt saya hargai…

  10. arery Says:

    em….yelah saya pun sgt mmrlukan solan2 pmr yg lepas……..pliz…..

  11. farah Says:

    nk soalan spot 2009…

  12. shafawi Says:

    hmm,, thun ni aku amik pmr.. so klu dpt soklan bocor2 tuh ‘kating2’ la kat aku ckit.. mak ayh aku dok arap sgt kat aku tuh.. klu korang dpt soklan ni.. bg la.. tak dpt bnyk,, ckit pun jd… ok… good luck to all student pmr….

  13. Ooi Oun Oun Says:

    i couldn’t find pmr kh 2008, please i need them so desperately…

  14. c.j Says:

    bagi sy jga ha..

  15. sue Says:

    senang tak percubaab pmr

  16. Eline Natra Says:

    kalau ade spe2 spe dapat soalan spot bagi taw erk!!!

  17. ****** Says:

    aq powm slh sorang kuman pmr taun niy…huh,, ilmu aq x ckup ag niy, so, aq nk sngt9 soalan pon oklah..ssh tol lau jad hrpn sekolah..huh,,pekse kat 1 tengah ari g x redy ag niy.. tap aq nk gla3 pekse pmr cpt2 abis..hah!! time 2 merdeka sakan ar awok2 pmr..

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